This week on Tights and Fights, we’re introducing a new member of the Nation of Conversation: Rachel Evans from the YouTube series “Snarled” and “Afterbuzz TV!”
The team start out by examining what’s going on with Seth Rollins. Now that he’s on the outs with Triple H and The Authority, could it be that he’s finally headed for the face turn that people have been wanting for him?
Plus, you wouldn’t expect an accented Matt Hardy who’s best friends with a dilapidated boat to be the thing that revived TNA in the eyes of many fans… but that’s exactly what happened. The Nation will take a look at what’s making the “Broken” gimmick work and whether or not TNA can count it to carry the TNA brand.
All of that and a lot more on this weeks episode.
Hosted by Hal Lublin, Daniel Radford and Rachel Evans
Produced by Julian Burrell for Maximum Fun.